
“Harmony” suggests a night for two people in a Superior room with Prosecco and fresh fruit; to make special your evening in plein harmony between body and nature it will be the relax circuit with the hammam, the jacuzzi for two people, the emotional shower all with cromotherpay, the jacuzzi set in the outside, the relax room that overlooks the vineyard and the sea, the fresh fruit, the delicious tisanes, the courtesy. At the end, as reference to the Ayurvedic tradition, two Tredosha Tests about the energetic evaluation of the dosha Vata- Pitta- Kapha. They are the fundamental principles that organize, rule and keep the organic and physiological homeostasis; they are the intermediaries between the world ( food, diet, seasons, daly routine, lifestyle) and the tissues, the organs and the functions of the human being. The test makes an evaluation of the three dosha’s conditions and on their reciprocal action inside the body.

The offer includes:

-1 night in a Superior room with Prosecco, fresh fruit and breakfast 139,00€

-1 relax circuit for two people 30,00€

-2 Tredosha Tests 78,00€

total 247,00€

                                   total in Promotion 207,00€

If you want to book go here

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Tenuta Santa Tecla
Tenuta Santa Tecla
Tenuta Santa Tecla
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